Dự đoán đề thi IELTS Speaking năm 2019 ( Update ngày 20/3/2019)

Dự đoán đề thi IELTS Speaking năm 2019 chính xác nhất



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Trước khi đưa ra những “tuyển tập bài mẫu IELTS Speaking dự đoán thi cho tháng 1-2-3/2019”, IELTS Thư Đặng sẽ trả lời những thắc mắc của các bạn.

“ Có nên học và sử dụng bộ dự đoán đề thi IELTS hay không?”

Khoảng 3 năm trở lại đây, có rất nhiều thông tin và tài liệu IELTS trên mạng liên quan đến việc “ dự đoán đề thi IELTS” , tức là dự đoán khả năng các bộ đề này sẽ xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS thật sắp tới của các bạn.

Bạn băn khoăn không biết liệu “ bộ dự đoán đề thi IELTS đó là thật hay giả” và có đáng tin cậy không?

Thực tế là:



Việc NÊN hay KHÔNG NÊN sử dụng và mua “ bộ đề dự đoán thi IELTS thật” còn tùy thuộc vào cách mà bạn sử dụng nó có đúng và hiệu quả không.

Điều quan trọng mà chúng tôi muốn nói ở đây là: Dù có thật sự tồn tại BỘ DỰ ĐOÁN ĐỀ THI IELTS THẦN THÁNH hay không, KHÔNG QUAN TRỌNG bằng việc bạn học được những kỹ năng gì trong việc luyện IELTS, và biến những kỹ năng đó trơ thành những skills chiến lược, quyết định sự thành công của bạn sau này.

Và liệu khi bạn có trong tay “ bộ đề dự đoán IELTS” thì bạn có đủ sức để học hết bao nhiêu topics, và có đảm bảo sẽ thuộc làu làu nội dung trả lời của từng bài chứ???

Lời khuyên: Do đó, cái quan trọng nhất ở đây chính là bạn phải dành nhiều thời gian để luyện tập các kỹ năng làm bài trong IELTS, hiểu rõ phương pháp và chiến thuật làm từng kỹ năng IELTS là mối quan tâm đầu tiên và ưu tiên nhất của bạn.

Tiếp theo, các bạn cũng nên cân nhắc, và sử dụng “ bộ đề dự đoán IELTS” như là một nguồn tài liệu tham khảo về các chủ đề, dạng bài trong IELTS một cách phong phú và đa dạng. " Bộ đề IELTS forecast năm 2019" cũng là tổng hợp và phán đoán những chủ đề trong IELTS Speaking có khả năng thi trúng cao.

Đồng thời, cũng giúp bạn rất nhiều trong việc ổn định và trấn an tâm lý của bản thân.

Tất cả các “ dự đoán đề thi IELTS” đều rất gần với tài liệu IELTS Cambridge từ 1-13 mà các bạn đang luyện IELTS ở nhà. Không xa hơn đâu nhé! Vì vậy, các bạn cứ bình tĩnh mà chiến đấu hết với các em ấy là okay.


Và “ Làm gì khi bạn chỉ còn 1 tháng nữa để thi IELTS và bạn cần 6.5+”.

Để tăng tốc cho việc học luyện IELTS trong thời gian ngắn, có rất nhiều cách đáng để bạn thử:

  1. Bạn nên làm thử 1-2 đề thi mẫu IELTS ở các kỹ năng để xem bạn đang ở đâu và bị yếu kỹ năng nào?
  2. Xác định phương pháp học và tài liệu IELTS phù hợp trong 1 tháng.

Ví dụ:

  • Bạn làm thử 1 bộ đề IELTS full theo đúng thời gian quy định.
  • Sau đó, bạn check đáp án và note lại những dạng câu hỏi nào mà bạn hay sai.
  • Nghiên cứu phương pháp và chiến thuật để trị bệnh yếu kỹ năng nào trong IELTS bao gồm: chia nhỏ các dạng bài tập hay kỹ năng IELTS mà bạn yếu nhất để luyện tập,mục đích để luyện kỹ năng, cách cảm nhận, phân tích và phán đoán bài một cách nhanh chóng và chắc chắn.
  1. Tập trung luyện đề IELTS.

Cách tốt nhất là bạn nên tự luyện các bộ đề IELTS theo đúng khung thời gian chuẩn của bài thi.

Ví dụ: Làm lần lượt từ IELTS listening- IELTS Reading – IELTS Writing và IELTS Speaking bạn có thể lựa chọn việc trả lời trước hoặc sau bài thi.

Tài liệu giúp các bạn tự tin nhất và giúp ổn định tâm lý nhất lúc này chính là

Bộ dự đoán đề thi IELTS mới nhất 2019- tháng 1,2,3,4/2019”.

IELTS Thư Đặng sẽ luôn cập nhật và cung cấp những bài mẫu trong bộ dự đoán đề IELTS mới nhất năm 2019.

TOPIC 1-01(2).png

  1. Where are you from? Which city are you living in?
  2. Please describe your hometown a little?
  3. How long have you been living there?
  4. What do you like( most) about your hometown?
  5. Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?
  6. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?
  7. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
  8. Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?
  9. Are there any changes you would lik to make in your hometown?


TOPIC 2-01-01(2).png

  1. Do you currently live in a house or a flat/ apartment?
  2. Are street markets common in your country?
  3. What is usually sold there?
  4. Do you think people like street markets? Why?


TOPIC 3-01(2).png 

  1. What natural sound(s) do you like ( the most)? Why?
  2. What sounds do you dislike? Why?
  3. What sounds remind you of your childhood?
  4. What kinds of music do you like the most?
  5. What are some places where there is a lot of noise?
  6. Do you mind noises?
  7. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?
  8. Are you ever bothered by noise?
  9. Where can you hear loud noises?
  10. Do you think there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?
  11.   What sounds do you like?
  12.  Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?
  13.  Are cities becoming noisier?


TOPIC 4-01(1).png

  1. Do you often have dreams?
  2. How long can you remember your dream when you wake up?
  3. Do you like hearing others dream?
  4. Do you think we can learn something from dreams?
  5. Do you like your dreams at night?
  6. Why are dreams so important? Do you think dreams will affect life?
  7. What is your dream?
  8. Have you had a bad dream before?
  9. What’s the strangest dream you have had?
  10.  Do you think dreams always have special meanings?


TOPIC 5-01(1).png

  1. When was the last time you were alone?
  2. What do you like to do when you are alone?
  3. Do you wish to have more time alone?
  4. Is it important to have some time a lone?
  5. Do you like to be alone?
  6. Do you like to spend time with your friends or just stay at home on your own?  


TOPIC 6-01(1).png

  1. We are very interested in the news?
  2. Why do you want to know the lastest news?
  3. How important is it to you to get the news everyday?
  4. What sort of news are you most interested in ?
  5. How do you usually find this news?
  6. Do you prefet to read the newspapers or watch TV to get your news?
  7. Do you often read newspapers?
  8. What sections of the newspapers do you usually read?
  9. Do you think newspapers are important?
  10. Besides newspapers, what are some other was people get news?


TOPIC 7-01(1).png

  1. Do you like science?
  2. What science have you studied?
  3. How do you study science?
  4. What’s the most difficult part of studying science?
  5. How has the science that you have studies helped you?
  6.  How often do you use a computer?
  7. Do you enjoy using computers?
  8. When did you last play a computer game?
  9. Is there anything you would like to learn to do on a computer?
  10. How interested are you in learning about science and technology?
  11. Do you prefet to read books or watch videas to learn about science and technology?
  12. Did you learn a lot about science and technology at school?
  13. How important is knowledge of science and technology in your everyday life?


TOPIC 8-01-01(1).png

  1. Do you prefet to study in the morning or in the evening?
  2. Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?
  3. What do you do to improve your efficiency?


TOPIC 9-01(1).png

  1. Is there anything being polluted in your hometown?
  2. What are the common types of pollutions in the countryside?
  3. What are the causes of those pollutions?
  4. Have you ever done anything to help the environment?
  5. Do you think pollution is a big problem nowadays?
  6. What do you do to protect our environment from pollution?
  7. Have you ever participated in any environmental events?


  1. How many shoes do you have?
  2. Do you like shopping for shoes?  Do you like shoes? Do you buy online?
  3. How often do you buy shoes?
  4. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?
  5. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good – looking shoes? Which do you prefer ? comfortable ones or fashionable ones?
  6. Are people willing to buy expensive shoes?
  7. Do you have a pair of shoes that you especiall like?
  8. Do you think men and women are equally interested in buy shoes?


  1. How often do you visit art galleries?
  2. What kinds of things do you like to draw?
  3. Is it easy to learn how to draw?
  4. Do you like painting / drawing? Why?
  5. Do you think children should learn drawing?
  6. Do do you primary schools have painting class?
  7. What kinds of pictures do you like to draw?
  8. Do you think drawing ( or painting) is difficult?
  9. Do you think it’s important for children to learn to draw? Why/ why not?
  10. What do you think are some of the benefits for children from drawing ( or painting)?


  1. How do you feel about birds? [Why do you feel that way?]
  2. How do people in your country feel about birds?
  3. Are there many birds near your home?
  4. Have you seen many different kinds of birds? (near your home)?
  5. Do any birds have any particular significance in your country? For example, does your country have a national bird?
  6. Do you think birds should be protected? [Why? / Why not?]
  7. How can they be protected?
  8. Do people in your country like raising (keeping) pet birds?
  9. Have you ever raised (kept) a pet bird?
  10. What did you feed it?


  1. Do you often come into contact with children? [Where? When?]
  2. What do you do when you are with these children?
  3. Do you get along well with children?
  4. How often do you play with children? What kind of child were you (when you were little)?
  5. What did you like to do when you were a child?
  6. What did you like to do for play when you were a child?
  7. What activities did you like to do when you were a child?
  8. Do you think children today are the same as (or, different to) those in the past?
  9. Do children today like to do the same things when they play?
  10. How do you think children in the future will play?
  11. Do you think children today benefit from modern technology?


  1. What kinds/styles of clothes do you like to wear? [Why?]
  2. Do your friends have the same tastes in clothes?
  3. Do your friends wear the same kinds of clothes as you?
  4. Do the people around you wear the same kinds of clothes as you?
  5. Do you think you will still be wearing the same kinds of clothes when you are old?
  6. Is the brand of clothes important to you? [Why?/Why not?]
  7. What clothes materials do you like best? [Why?]
  8. How (much) is traditional culture in your country being affected by foreign clothes styles?
  9. Do you think employees in a company should wear a uniform?
  10. Are you (would you be) willing to wear a uniform at work?
  11. How do you feel about wearing a uniform? What do you think of modern fashions?
  12. Do you like shopping ?
  13.  Is shopping for clothes important to you?
  14. Where do you buy your clothes?
  15. Have you ever bought clothes that you ( now) don’t like?
  16. Where do you think you can buy the most fashionable clothes?
  17. When was the last time you went shopping for clothes?
  18. Do you think men and women think the same about clothes?
  19. Do you like to try on clothes before you buy them? Why/ why not?
  20. What kinds of clothes do people in your country like to wear?
  21. Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?
  22. Do you wear the same kinds of clothes in winter and summer?
  23. Do you think you will change the style of clothes you wear in the future?
  24. Are you interested in fashion?
  25. What do you think of ( or about) fashion?
  26. What do you think about fashion nowadays in your country?
  27. Are people’s ideas about fashion today the same as people’s ideas in previous years?
  28. What types of clothes are in fashion now?
  29. What are the benefits of following fashion?
  30. Do you think your tastes in fashion will be the same when you are old?

Dự đoán bộ đề thi thật IELTS Speaking Part 2 + Part 3  năm 2019


1/ Describe a language you want to learn.

You should say:

  • What it is
  • How you would learn it
  • Where you learn it
  • And why you want to learn the language.


2/ Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate.

You should say:

  • What the situation was
  • Where you were
  • Who you communicated with
  • And explain why you used a foreign language to communicate on this occasion.


3/ Talk about an instance when you spoke with someone in a foreign language for the first time.

You should say:

  • When it was
  • With whom you spoke
  • What language you used

And say how you felt about it 


  1. Why does everyone want to learn English ?
  2. How did you learn English?
  3. What do you think of children learning a foreign language?
  4. Why are some language classes boring?
  5. Some students hate to learn foreign languages, what can teachers do to develop their interests?
  6. Some people travel for learning a foreign language, what do you think?
  7. What is the best way to learn a foreign language?
  8. Do you think foreigner should learn your country’s language when they arrive there?


  1. What kind of quality should a language teacher have?


  1. Which language is likely to become dominant in the future?


  1. Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?


  1. Why are some people seemingly better at studying languages than others?


  1. Why is language an important aspect of culture?


  1. Why it is important to learn a foreign language?


What are the advantages of learning multiple languages?




1/ Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the results.

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who you complained to
  • What you complained about
  • And why you were satisfied with the result

2/  Describe an event you complained about something.

You should say:

  • what didi you complain about?
  • Who you complained to?
  • When did it happen?
  • And explain what was the result and were you satisfied with the result?

3/ Describe a time when you complained about something you had paid for ( e.g. restaurant meal, a product in a shop).

You should say: 

  • Why you complained.
  • How you complained
  • Whether it was useful to complain.

And explain how you felt after you had complained.


  1. Is it important for a company to set up a complaint center?
  2. Do you think complaining works?
  3. What products or services do people in your country like to complaint about?
  4. Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complaints before?
  5. Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?
  6. Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?
  7. What are some things people often complain about these days?

What is more effective- complaining by writing an email or by talking face to face with the person responsibilites?


1/ Describe a time when you received money as a present.

You should say:

  • Who gave it
  • When you received it
  • What you did with it
  • How you felt about it

2/ Talk about an instance when you gave someone money as a gift.

You should say:

  • Who was that person?
  • When and why did you give them money

How did you feel about it later.


  1. Do you think people prefer to receive gifts instead of money? Why?
  2. Do you think parents should teach children how to save money?
  3. Do you usually use cash or a credit card?
  4. What are the advantages of having a credit card?
  5. Do credit cards have drawbacks?
  6. Do you think cash will be replaced by credit cards in the future?
  7. Do people prefer cash or credit card in your country? What are the benefits and drawbacks of credit card?
  8. What can parents do to teach children to save money?
  9. Why do young people tend to waste money?
  10.  What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country?
  11.   Do schools in Vietnam teach anything about financial management?
  12. What is it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money?
  13.  In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?
  14.  Is it important for children to have a right attidude towards money?

lich khai giang thang 4 2019-01(2).png

>>> Tham khảo thông tin khóa học http://bit.ly/2po0G5t

>>> Thành tích học viên : http://bit.ly/2xrxm2h


IELTS Thư Đặng chúc bạn thi tốt!




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