Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 02.02.2023

Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 04.02.2023

Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 05.02.2023

Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18.02.2023



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I. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 02.02.2023

Với chủ đề Education – một trong những chủ đề không chỉ thường xuyên xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS Writing mà còn rất thường xuyên xuất hiện trong cuộc sống thường ngày.

Tham khảo ngay bài mẫu sau đây không chỉ giúp bạn nâng cao kĩ năng Writing mà còn trang bị cho bạn khả năng giao tiếp tiếng Anh tốt hơn khi đề cập tới vấn đề giáo dục!

1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2

While many people go to university for academic study, more people should be encouraged to do vocational training because there is a lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers. Do you agree or disagree?


2. Dàn bài


  • Introduce the topic by paraphrasing the task heading:

Pragmatism preference for training for practical employment over academic education. 

  • State the writer’s opinion: Disagree.

Body paragraph 1:

  • Topic sentence: Vocational training is important in its own way.
  • Main idea 1: Focus on research, characteristic of higher education

select students with suitable orientation.

Explanation: Thinking that everyone should get admitted to university unexpectedly bad consequences. 

Example: The increase in quantity but decrease in quality of American university degrees.

  • Main idea 2: A trained worker, create real values ought to be maintained.

Body paragraph 2:

  • Topic sentence: However, we cannot encourage the disbelief in the importance of university education.
  • Main idea: University education, fundamental for the growth of a nation.
    Example 1: The basic sciences, some people think that they are impractical, while they set the foundation for further scientific and technological developments.

Example 2: History, literature, and philosophy, some people claim that they are difficult to understand and useless, but they help humans avoid living like a machine.

Conclusion: Summarize the main points: University education serious researchers. Vocational training skilled workers. Both different but have important roles.

3. Sample Answer band 7.5+


Today’s society is characterized by pragmatism, as evidenced by the preference for training for practical employment over academic education. I disagree with the idea that vocational training is more valuable than a university degree, although the latter has certain significance.

Providing the workforce with the necessary knowledge and skills is unquestionably crucial and advantageous. Evidently, not everyone can study effectively in the research-focused setting characteristic of higher education. In reality, it would be harmful to presume that everyone, regardless of how talented they are, should be given an equal chance to attend college. American institutions, which have witnessed an indiscriminate increase in the quantity of university degrees, have also, ironically, suffered from an overall decrease in quality. On the other hand, a talented worker may create real values for society, which ought to be maintained.

This does not, however, imply that it is acceptable to underestimate the university degree. By contrast, ignoring higher education would seriously harm a nation’s sustainability and development. For instance, no foundation could be set for scientific and technological applications without ongoing study of and instruction in the basic sciences, which have recently been criticized as impractical. Similar to the previous example, studies of history, literature, and philosophy are sometimes castigated as obscure and futile, but without them, people would experience unimaginable mental poverty and would be no different from mindless labor machines.

In summary, while university education prepares one for serious research undertakings, vocational training trains potential skilled workers. Though the two types of education take different paths, they both play critical roles in society. 

260 words – Band 7.5+



4. Một số từ vựng highlight

  • A be characterized by B [v] = B be characteristic of A [adj]: to be typical of a person, place or thing (đặc trưng).
  • Pragmatism /ˈpræɡmətɪzəm/ [n]: thinking of or dealing with problems in a practical way, rather than by using theory or abstract principles (chủ nghĩa thực dụng).
  • Significance [n]: the importance of something, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future (tầm quan trọng).
  • Unquestionably [adv] = undoubtedly [adv]: without any doubt (chắc chắn, không nghi ngờ).
  • Crucial [adj] = critical [adj] = essential [adj]: extremely important, because it will affect other things (rất quan trọng).
  • Advantageous [adj] = beneficial [adj]: good or useful in a particular situation (ích lợi).
  • Setting [n]: an environment where something is located; the place at which something happens (môi trường, bối cảnh).
  • Indiscriminate [adj]: an indiscriminate action is done without thought about what the result may be, especially when it causes people to be harmed (vô tội vạ).
  • Ironically [adv]: in a way that shows that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying; in a way that expresses irony (trớ trêu thay).
  • Imply [v]: to suggest that something is true or that you feel or think something, without saying so directly (hàm ý).
  • Underestimate [v]: to not realize how good, strong, determined, difficult, etc. somebody/something really is (xem nhẹ).
  • Sustainability [n]: the ability to continue or be continued for a long time (sự bền vững).
  • Castigate [v] = criticize [v] = judge [v]: to criticize somebody/something/yourself severely (lên án). 
  • Obscure [adj]: difficult to understand (mơ hồ).
  • Futile [adj] = pointless [adj]: having no purpose because there is no chance of success (vô ích).
  • Unimaginable [adj]: impossible to think of or to believe exists; impossible to imagine (không thể tưởng tượng được).
  • Undertaking [countable, n]: a task or project, especially one that is important and/or difficult (nhiệm vụ).
  • Potential [adj]: that can develop into something or be developed in the future (tiềm năng).
  • Các cách paraphrase university educationvocational training:
    1. University education academic education, higher education, university degree.
    2. Vocational training training for practical employment.

II. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 04.02.2023

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 04.02.2023 là bài thi phân tích biểu đồ về tỷ lệ đảm nhận các công việc hàng ngày trong cuộc sống của nam và nữ

1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1

The first chart below shows the percentages of women and men in a country involved in some kinds of home tasks (cooking, cleaning, pet caring and repairing the house). The second chart shows the amount of time each gender spent on each task per day.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



2. Dàn bài

Introduction: Paraphrase đề bài (giới thiệu nội dung biểu đồ)

Overview: Nêu những đặc điểm khái quát. Trong dạng bài này, người viết cần nêu ra những đặc điểm xu hướng tổng quan và những đối tượng nổi bật như:

  • Có nhiều phụ nữ tham gia vào việc nấu nướng và dọn dẹp hơn là đàn ông
  • Việc nấu nướng và dọn dẹp tốn nhiều thời gian hơn những việc còn lại

Body: Mô tả cụ thể và chi tiết. 

  • Body paragraph 1: 
    • Số phần trăm nữ và nam tham gia vào việc nấu nướng và dọn dẹp 
    • Thời gian họ dành cho hai hoạt động này
  • Body paragraph 2:
    • Số phần trăm nữ và nam tham gia vào việc chăm sóc thú cưng và sửa chữa vật dụng trong nhà
    • Thời gian họ dành cho hai hoạt động này

3. Sample Answer band 7.0+


The bar charts illustrate the proportions of males and females doing different tasks of housework, and the average time both sexes spent on doing each household chore a day. 

Overall, more women than men performed the tasks of cooking and cleaning, while more men were in charge of pet care and house repairs. In addition, cooking and cleaning consume more time than the other tasks. 

The percentage of women cooking was around a third higher than that of men spent doing the same task, at 90% and 60% in turn. Likewise, with 62%, the proportion of females involved in cleaning was 20% higher than that of males. In terms of the average time spent on these two common house chores, women outstrip men by allocating approximately 20 minutes more for each task per day than men.

Turning to another home task, an almost equal percentage of men and women (22% and 20%, respectively) are involved in pet care. Twice as many men as women took charge of repairing household appliances (18% compared with 9%). Both males and females devote, on average, 20 minutes per day to pet care. Women spent approximately 5 minutes per day on house repairs, which is three times less than the amount of time men spent on this task. 

213 words – Band 7.0+



4. Một số từ vựng highlight

  • household chores: tasks such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that have to be done regularly at home (việc nhà)
  • consume (v): to use fuel, energy, time, or a product, especially in large amounts (tốn)
  • likewise (adv): in the same way (cũng như vậy)
  • outstrip (v): to be or become greater in amount, degree, or success than something or someone (vượt xa)
  • allocate time for something: spend time on doing something (dành thời gian làm việc gì)
  • equal (a): the same in amount, number or size (như nhau)
  • household appliances: devices or machines, usually electrical, that are in your home and which you use to do jobs such as cleaning or cooking (thiết bị gia dụng)
  • devote time to something: spend time on doing something (dành thời gian làm việc gì)

III. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 05.02.2023

1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2

In many parts of the world, children are given more freedom than in the past. Is this a positive or negative development?


2. Dàn bài


  • Diễn đạt lại (paraphrase) đề bài: Today, children, in many regions of the world, granted more autonomy, than used to be. 
  • Nêu ý kiến của người viết: Both good and bad.

Body paragraph 1: Good sides

  • Main idea 1: Helps a child learn to be discerning and independent from a young age.

Explanation: Parents, too protective or too restrictive (past generations) struggle to teach children, judicious and responsible. Freedom, essential, form bold character.

  • Main idea 2: Narrowing the gap between parents and kids. 
    Example: Children of the 1970s generation, handle problems in relationships with their parents vs. that of GenZ. GenZ: more able to discuss openly with their parents.

Body paragraph 2: Bad sides

  • Topic sentence: Freedom to a certain extent, if not detrimental.
  • Main idea 1: Excessive liberty in matters of morality. 
    Explanation: The child, never warned against exceeding boundaries
    not taking issues like drugs, alcohol, and crime seriously enough. 
  • Main idea 2: The child, spoiled from indulgence arrogance or irresponsibility.


  • Upsides: Develop the child’s personality and reduce parent-child distance. 
  • Downsides: The child, morally ruined or poor qualities.

3. Sample Answer band 7.0+


Today, children in many regions of the world are granted more autonomy than they used to be. This, in my perspective, has both merits and demerits.

The increased allowance of freedom potentially helps a child learn to be discerning and independent from a young age. Indeed, parents who are either too protective or too restrictive, which was characteristic of past generations, often struggle to teach their offspring to be judicious and responsible. Freedom, therefore, is essential to help form the child’s bold character. Moreover, it is also crucial for narrowing the gap between parents and kids. This can be seen by comparing the way children of the 1970s generation, for example, handle problems pertaining to their relationships with their parents with that of those born three decades later. The latter are more likely to be able to resolve these issues by openly discussing them with their parents, which the former hardly do.

However, freedom should be granted only to a certain extent, lest it turn out to be detrimental. It could, for instance, lead to excessive liberty in matters of morality. Because the child is rarely warned against exceeding certain boundaries, he may grow up treating issues like drugs, alcohol, and crime as if they were harmless. Or, to a lesser degree, the child may be spoiled from indulgence and develop damaging character traits such as arrogance or irresponsibility.

In conclusion, it could be a positive phenomenon that children nowadays enjoy more liberty than in the past. This can help nurture the child’s personality and reduce the distance in the parent-child relationship. On the other hand, an immoderate practice of this might cause the child to be morally ruined or foster poor qualities such as self-centeredness and thoughtlessness.

    1. rds – Band 7.0+



IV. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18.02.2023


Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 18.02.2023 là bài thi Writing dạng Line Graph. Đề bài này cho thấy biểu đồ minh họa số tiền trung bình (tính bằng euro) mà bốn công ty điện thoại di động khác nhau tính mỗi tháng từ tháng Một đến tháng Chín năm 2002.

1. Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1

The chart below shows the average cost of monthly contract for four different mobile (cell phones) in a European country from January to September 2002.



2. Dàn bài

Introduction: Paraphrase đề bài.

  • The chart below the graph (bỏ “below”).
  • Shows indicates. 
  • The average cost… measured in euros the average amount of money (in euros).
  • Of a monthly contract for four different mobile (cell phones) in a European country that four distinct mobile phone companies charged per month.
  • From January to September 2002 between January and September 2002.

Overview: Mô tả khái quát biểu đồ bằng cách nhận xét những đặc điểm nổi bật nhất (3-4 ý).

  • Sim TX có tốc độ tăng phí dịch vụ nhanh nhất.
  • Domo phần lớn dẫn đầu về giá. 
  • Lex tăng phí nhẹ.
  • Alpha nhìn chung ổn định phí dịch vụ.

Details: Mô tả một cách cụ thể sự thay đổi của mỗi đối tượng, dẫn số liệu và so sánh khi cần thiết.

  • Paragraph 1: Domo và Sim TX.
  • Paragraph 2: Lex và Alpha.

3. Sample Answer band 8.0


The graph indicates the average amount of money (in euros) that four distinct mobile phone companies charged per month between January and September 2002.

As can be seen, Sim TX had the fastest-growing service fee, although Domo largely led in prices. Lex slightly raised the charge, while Alpha generally stabilized its service cost.

Domo offered the most expensive monthly contracts, ranging from 15 to 25 euros, with the peak observed in July. Sim TX, however, was the business that provided the cheapest service for the first six months at about 5 euros. Only in July did it equal Alpha at 10 euros, and in September it exceeded the leading firm, Domo, at 25 euros, a fivefold increase compared to its initial fee.

Like Domo and Sim TX, Lex also charged more over time, but the increase was relatively small (7 euros) compared with the previous companies. In contrast, Alpha’s cost was quite stable, except for a slight rise of 4 euros between May and June, after which the amount returned to its normal level of around 10 euros per month.

180 words – Band 8.0



4. Một số từ vựng highlight

  • Distinct [adj]: clearly different or of a different kind (khác nhau).
  • Charge something [v]: to ask an amount of money for goods or a service (tính phí).
    Charge [n]: the amount of money that somebody asks for goods and services (phí).
  • Lead (in something) [v]: to be the best at something; to be in first place (dẫn đầu về cái gì).
  • Raise something [v]: nâng (một vật thể hoặc một số lượng) lên.
    • Raise luôn có object theo sau.
    • Raise là động từ có quy tắc: raise – raised – raised.
    • VD: Lex slightly raised the cost. ‘The cost’ là object của ‘raised’.
  • Rise [v]: tăng/dâng lên.
    • Rise không có object theo sau.
    • Rise là động từ bất quy tắc: rise – rose – risen.
    • VD: Lex’s cost rose slightly.
  • Stabilize (something) [v]: to become or to make something become steady and unlikely to change; to make something stable (ổn định).
  • Equal something [v]: to be the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as something else (bằng với cái gì).


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