Cùng IELTS Thư Đặng phân tích các chủ đề Speaking đã ra trong tháng 7 và tham khảo các câu trả lời mẫu liên quan tới chủ đề này, để bổ sung thêm kiến thức, tuy nhiên các bạn không nên đọc thuộc rồi áp dụng trong các bài thi nếu các chủ đề này được ra trong các kỳ thi tiếp theo.


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Cùng IELTS Thư Đặng phân tích các chủ đề Speaking đã ra trong tháng 7 và tham khảo các câu trả lời mẫu liên quan tới chủ đề này, để bổ sung thêm kiến thức, tuy nhiên các bạn không nên đọc thuộc rồi áp dụng trong các bài thi nếu các chủ đề này được ra trong các kỳ thi tiếp theo.


1. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking ngày 01/07/2022

2. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking ngày 09/07/2022

3. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking ngày 11/07/2022

4. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking ngày 30/07/2022




1. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 ngày 01/07/2022

Part 2: Describe something that surprised you.

You should say:

  • What it is?
  • How you found out about it?
  • What you did?
  • And explain whether it made you happy?

Bài mẫu band 7.5:


Surprises are always pleasant and in fact, they make people feel the peak of happiness. Well, I haven’t received many surprises in my life, however, today I am going to talk about a time when I had such an experience. It was about four years ago when I was pursuing my Masters degree in England. Since it was the first time I celebrated my birthday in a foreign country without my family, I was out of sorts. However, my close friend who lived in the same dormitory said he would like to throw me a party, and I was so grateful for his kindness.


On the day of my birthday , I came to the common room to meet him and was over the moon to see all of my close friends in England were there. He even invited  some of my classmates, who didn’t live in the same residence as us, to come over and celebrate my birthday. But that’s not all of it. After that, he showed me a video of birthday wishes given by all of them, and the most surprising part was that my English teacher was also there! It turned out that my friend contacted him by email and asked if he could make a short video to send me some wishes. It was such a pleasant surprise and I was moved to tears. They also brought out a cake that the girls made by themselves for my birthday, which was the best cake I’ve ever eaten in my life!


I was so happy and grateful to my foreign friends, who made all these arrangements. We all enjoyed the party to the fullest, and it gave me the chance to share my happiness with everyone. During this celebration, many photographs were clicked, and I still have those and whenever I check out these photographs, I recall the memories and the surprise that my friends gave.



Từ vựng:

  • Masters degree: bằng Thạc Sỹ.
  • out of sorts (idiom): khá mệt/ khá buồn.
  • dormitory (n): ký túc xá (cho sinh viên).
  • throw someone a party: tổ chức tiệc cho ai đó.
  • grateful (for sb/sth) (adj): biết ơn.
  • common room (n): phòng sinh hoạt chung.
  • residence (n): chỗ ở, ký túc xá (cho sinh viên).
  • over the moon (idiom): rất sung sướng, hạnh phúc.
  • moved to tears (idiom): cảm động đến ứa nước mắt; cảm xúc dâng trào đến phát khóc.
  • to the fullest (idiom): một cách trọn vẹn nhất.
  • recall (v): nhớ lại.

2. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 ngày 01/07/2022

2.1. How do people express happiness in your culture?

Every country from all around the world has a different way in which the natives express their happiness. From traditional annual town festivals to simple gatherings, the people always have ways to show how they’re feeling and share their happiness with the people they care about. In my country, we just simply smile when we’re happy, and smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier.

2.2. Why shopping can bring happiness to people?


I think the happiness that buying something provides is derived not from acquiring the item, or from the item itself, but from targeting it, wanting it and anticipating its arrival into your life. Moreover, shopping takes time and concentration whether it is being done online or in your favorite store. You have to think about what you want or need and then find the most appropriate item to meet your requirements. You are focused on what you desire and not on the stressors in your life.

2.3. Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?

Of course it does. Being happy doesn’t just make us feel better, it improves our health. It helps us eat healthier, be more active and sleep better. Because happiness leads to healthier behaviors, it helps stave off high blood pressure and excess body fat, resulting in lower risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. When we’re happier, we tend not to focus on the negatives or stressors as much, allowing more room to think about how to positively get on with challenges.

2.4. How pessimists can become happy?

I suppose pessimists can be more cheerful when they surround themselves with optimistic people. Hanging around a group of friends who aren’t so cranky could be their one-way ticket out of their relentlessly pessimistic vibes. And if they’re not feeling particularly chatty, they don’t have to talk about what’s eating them, or put the word out that their mind’s in a negative funk. I think simply being surrounded with positive people is usually enough to trigger a smile.

2.5. Can pessimists become as happy as optimists one?

Obviously, optimists tend to feel happier in general, and pessimists tend to feel less happy than that. However, pessimists are able to tolerate negative emotions. For many people, once they recognize that they are anxious, their primary goal becomes to get rid of anxiety and to feel happy.



1. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 ngày 09/07/2022

Part 2: Describe a famous person in your country (Vietnam).

You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • How you know this person?
  • What this person is famous for?
  • And explain what this person is famous for?

Bài mẫu band 7.5:


Celebrities have always attracted great public attention all over the world, and I’d like to tell you about a renowned Vietnamese singer.


Her name is My Tam and she’s been considered as the most successful singer, songwriter and musical director of Vietnam for over two decades. Since her debut in the late 90s, she has received numerous awards, including the ‘Artist of the Year’ for two consecutive years. I still remember when I was a little girl, I was obsessed with her first major hit “Toc Nau Moi Tram” in her album Endless Love, which sold thousands of copies nationwide. It stands to reason why My Tam is the queen of V-Pop. She’s got a deep, powerful and distinctive voice that fits her into a variety of genres, including pop, dance and rock.


Despite being one of the most popular artists, My Tam’s never stopped learning to give flawless concerts and performances. She even collaborated with a Korean music producer since she was unsatisfied with Vietnamese recording and studio techniques. As far as I know, she also took more vocal training, dance lessons and expanded her music genres. Interestingly, she has also been the coach for many big music contests, one of which is The Voice of Vietnam.


As opposed to other famous artists, she is known to lead a frugal life and made great contributions to various charitable causes throughout her career. She established the My Tam Foundation, a charity that has gone on helping the underprivileged in many parts of our country.


Từ vựng:

  • public attention: sự quan tâm của công chúng
  • renowned: nổi tiếng
  • be obsessed with: mê mệt
  • it stands to reason: rõ ràng, hợp lý
  • distinctive: riêng biệt
  • flawless: hoàn hảo
  • collaborate with: hợp tác với ai
  • vocal training: khoá luyện giọng
  • coach: huấn luyện viên
  • consecutive: liên tiếp
  • lead a frugal life: sống 1 cuộc sống khiêm nhường
  • charitable causes: các tổ chức từ thiện
  • the underprivileged: những người có hoàn cảnh khó khan

2. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 ngày 09/07/2022

2.1. What are the qualities of being popular?

Clearly there are a myriad of reasons why a person becomes famous. If you think about artists, you might agree with me that talent is the absolute requirement to catch constant media attention. Sport stars and those popular in other professions also gotta show excellence, otherwise they will sooner or later flop. Having said that, many others have become well-known on social media because they have a quality or they’re an inspiration to many people.


2.2. Do you know any popular star who likes helping other people?

Absolutely. I can tell you millions of celebrities, both in my country and worldwide, who are philanthropists. Barack Obama, Bill Gates or Taylor Swift are some famous figures who work in different fields but have all been known as the world’s most charitable people.


2.3. Do you think children should imitate their idols?

Not necessarily. I mean, to some extent, idols can be role models that help shape children’s thinking and behaviour in a positive way. They can also act as powerful motivators for youngsters to pursue their dream. However, being true to your individuality is important as we’re all perfectly imperfect in our own way. Imitating others, whether they be ordinary or famous people, is highly likely to hinder creativity and personal identity.

2.4. What influence do popular stars have on teenagers?


I gotta say that superstars nowadays have a profound impact on the young generation. This is mostly reflected in the way adolescents entertain. They always listen to their favorite singers, watch films starring their favorite actors or go to football matches played by their favorite teams. On top of that, artists also influence youngsters’ way of thinking. For example, in the 2020 United States presidential election, after Taylor Swift posted a tweet admonishing President Trump for his provocative comments, it had been retweeted hundreds of thousands of times over the next few days.




1. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 ngày 11/07/2022

Part 2: Describe a quiet place where you would like to spend time

You should say:

  • Where is it?
  • How do you know it?
  • How often do you go there?
  • What do you do there?
  • And explain why you like the place?

Bài mẫu band 7.5


It is important to spend time in quiet places in the fast-paced life of today. There are a few quiet places around us that we can visit for a few relaxing moments of peace. I would like to talk about a park where I go quite often and I find great comfort in the silence the spot has to offer.


The park is not far from my home. It is only a 10-minute walk from my home. It is well-known for its peaceful ambiance. Being a nature lover, every day I visit this garden. The place is full of natural vegetation and exotic flowers, which fascinates me to spend some time in the lap of nature. I am delighted that I have a gorgeous park in my locality, and I also contribute to plant more trees there to maintain the beauty of this park.


People in my city are generally indolent. They don’t get up early, so the park is free from noise in the morning. Every morning I go for a morning walk in the garden and I remain energetic the whole day. I also do some physical activities and as I am having an ardent habit of writing, the area somehow enhances my creativity to the point where thoughts flow freely and clearly in my mind. I really like going to this location with my writing pad all alone, and writing whatever I feel like for hours on end.


In addition, the park contains some other amenities like clean and well-managed toilets, and the space for kids is also notable. A large number of trees are available in the park and anyone can take shelter under the tree shades with nice sitting arrangements. Therefore, I would recommend anyone from my area to have some quality and tranquil time in this park. There is a lot to explore and enjoy.


Từ vựng

  • Fast-paced (adj) diễn ra nhanh
  • Ambiance (n) môi trường, không khí (của một địa điểm)
  • Vegetation (n) cây cỏ, cây cối
  • Exotic (adj) lạ, quý hiếm
  • In the lap of nature: hòa mình vào thiên nhiên
  • Indolent (adj) lười biếng
  • Ardent (adj) hăng hái, nhiệt tình
  • Amenity (n) tiện nghi
  • Take shelter: trú
  • Tranquil (adj) yên lặng, thanh bình


2. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 ngày 11/07/2022

2.1. Why do you think the countryside is quieter than the city?

It is because in the countryside, you can find yourself away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are no traffic jams, noise or mass pollution. Thus, life in the countryside is peaceful, calm and tranquil. Cities are overcrowded with people, vehicles and buildings whereas the countryside has a picturesque setting with greenery, farmlands, hills and forests.


2.2. What about places like cafes, parks or libraries? Are they quiet places?

I am not sure about cafes and parks, but I think libraries are quiet because most people go there to get lost in the world of books, to form an imaginary world on the topic they are reading about and to shut out all the extra thoughts in the deep silence.


2.3. Are homes noisier than they were in the past?

I believe so due to traffic, factories and construction sites. With the increase in the number of vehicles, traffic congestion in big cities has become more severe and the growl of engines is growing. Honking drivers only adds to the problem, while loud music from bars, restaurants and stores is also disruptive.


2.4. Why do old people like quiet places compared to young people?

Old people might go to quiet places to get peace of mind and escape from the hustle-bustle of city life, and some like to go to quiet places to enjoy their vacations in the lap of nature because they love greenery.



1. Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 ngày 30/07/2022

Part 2: Describe a change you make recently in your life.

You should say:

  • What the change was?
  • When did it happen?
  • How did you feel about it?
  • And explain if it was a positive or negative change for you?

Changes are an integral part of our life and we’re all trying to change our lives for the better. We grasp at the littlest of things in hopes that they will magically impact our lives forever and we’ll be happy, healthy, and fulfilled, and so do I. Today I would like to talk about a great change that I consider as one of the best things to happen in my life. I was quite idle and highly inactive, but now my idleness has been removed since I started to go to the gym two months ago.


There are a few things in my life that have changed once I started exercising. I had to learn to fit regular workouts into my schedule, for example. There were days when I would rather sleep and watch copious amounts of Netflix instead of getting up, getting dressed, and heading to the gym. However, after I pushed through those hard times and just got to the gym, I realised how motivated I could feel once I was actually there. Seeing others working hard to better their lives made me want to be right with them doing the same.


This is obviously a positive change for me. Taking regular exercise is good for health, and I am experiencing the benefits. Before taking the exercises, I did not have an idea of how positive it could be. I have better health now and become less tired in my workplace. The exercises have increased my stamina too.


Besides health benefits, I usually feel more energetic and happier because of the “happy hormones” endorphins and dopamine that get released after a good workout. The endorphins also act to lessen my stress levels and leave me feeling much more relaxed than before my workout. Now that I go to the gym a few times a week and exercise, I can see how much healthier and happier I am on a daily basis.


Từ vựng:


  • Integral (a) quan trọng, thiết yếu
  • grasp (v) bắt lấy
  • fulfil (v) thực hiện, hoàn thành, thỏa mãn
  • idle (adj) lười biếng, nhàn rỗi -> idleness (n) sự lười biếng, nhàn rỗi
  • workout (n) buổi tập thể dục
  • copious (adj) phong phú, dồi dào
  • push through hard times: vượt qua những khoảng thời gian khó khăn
  • stamina (n) khả năng chịu đựng, sức bền
  • energetic (adj) năng động
  • hormone (n) hoóc môn
  • lessen (v) làm giảm

2. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 ngày 30/07/2022

2.1. What are other changes people often make in their daily life?

I’m sure we as people bring in positive and negative changes to our lives now and then. They can revolve around simple things like changes in our diets or recreational activities. In some other cases, they can be more perplexing like having a new job.


2.2. Who can change more easily, young or old?

I think in general, youth adapt faster than seniors to changes and unexpected events. In contrast, it may be more difficult for older people to change than younger people, as they may have developed set ways of thinking and doing things over the years. Additionally, they may not be as physically or mentally able to change or adapt easily.


2.3. What can help the elderly change easily?

Change – even good change – can be stressful for everyone, especially seniors. Helping them manage changes may be a matter of helping them draw on their own resources, while providing an environment of support and dependability. Sometimes people going through changes just need someone to listen, so we can help them feel that they are respected and understood.


2.4. Why do some people change frequently?

In my opinion, it is because changes in one’s life bring many benefits. When we try new things, we can gain new knowledge and experience. I think it is great because without changes life becomes boring.


2.5. Why do some people often change their jobs?

I think as soon as we know a job, part of our brain goes to sleep because we don’t have to stay open and curious. However, when you change jobs often, you never get out of open-and-curious mode. You’ll accumulate new learning much faster by throwing yourself into new-job territory more often. One of the biggest dangers of staying a job too long is that you fall behind what is happening in your industry and the wide world beyond it.


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