1. IELTS Writing task 1:

The map below shows the plan of a proposed new town. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing task 2:

Some people think that the main benefit of international cooperation is in the protection of the environment, while others believe that the main interest is in world business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




Với các dạng bài Map vốn không quá phổ biến trong IELTS Writing task 1, tuy nhiên dạng đề này đã xuất hiện trong ngày thi 11/07/2024, vì vậy! một số học viên cho rằng dạng bài này khá khó viết, nhưng thực tế nó không quá khó như các bạn nghĩ. Hỹ cùng IELTS – Thư Đặng xem qua đề thi Task 1 và Task 2 và tìm hiều các làm bài dưới đây:

1. IELTS Writing task 1:

The map below shows the plan of a proposed new town. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


1.1. Bước 1: Phân tích đề

  • Dạng biểu đồ: Bản đồ không có sự thay đổi về thời gian.
  • Topic: Kế hoạch của một thị trấn mới.
  • Place: Không đề cập.
  • Number of factors: Không đề cập.
  • Time: Một thời điểm trong tương lai.
  • Tense: Các cấu trúc diễn tả một kế hoạch trong tương lai.

1.2. Bước 2: Lập dàn ý

Introduction: Paraphrase đề bài.


  • The town is predominantly characterized by residential zones organized around a central circular motif, complemented by industrial regions spanning the northwestern and southeastern corners. 
  • The infrastructure includes inner and outer ring roads facilitating connectivity, intersected by several roads that provide access across the town.

Body paragraph 1:

  • The central circular structure features six housing areas within the inner ring and an additional four adjacent to it. 
  • Roads labelled ‘R’ connect these housing clusters within and outside the rings and traverse through the rings at multiple junctures.
  • There are two parking lots situated within the inner circular design and two bus stands positioned at the northwestern and eastern segments of the inner ring road. 

Body paragraph 2:

  • The town encompasses two distinct industrial zones, one located in the northwest and the other in the southeast corners, underlining the clear segregation of residential and industrial spaces. 
  • Furthermore, the allocation of recreational areas, represented by shaded blocks within the housing zones, indicates a deliberate effort to provide leisure amenities within the residential clusters, particularly towards the southern side of the town.

1.3 Bài mẫu:

The given diagram illustrates the proposed layout of a new township, showcasing various zones designated for housing, roads, industry, parking, bus stands, and recreational areas.

Overall, the town is predominantly characterized by residential zones organized around a central circular motif, complemented by industrial regions spanning the northwestern and southeastern corners. The infrastructure includes inner and outer ring roads facilitating connectivity, intersected by several roads that provide access across the town.

The central circular structure features six housing areas within the inner ring and an additional four adjacent to it. Roads labelled ‘R’ connect these housing clusters within and outside the rings and traverse through the rings at multiple junctures. Moreover, there are two parking lots situated within the inner circular design and two bus stands positioned at the northeastern and eastern segments of the inner ring road.

Notably, the town encompasses two distinct industrial zones, one located in the northwest and the other in the southeast corners, underlining the clear segregation of residential and industrial spaces. Furthermore, the allocation of recreational areas, represented by shaded blocks within the housing zones, indicates a deliberate effort to provide leisure amenities within the residential clusters, particularly towards the southern side of the town.



1.4. Từ vựng

Từ vựng



(adverb). chủ yếu, phần lớn

E.g.: The region is predominantly rural, with small towns scattered throughout.

(Khu vực này chủ yếu là nông thôn, với các thị trấn nhỏ rải rác khắp nơi.)


(verb). tạo điều kiện thuận lợi

E.g.: The new software will facilitate the process of data analysis.

(Phần mềm mới sẽ tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho quá trình phân tích dữ liệu.)


(verb). giao nhau, cắt nhau

E.g.: Two major highways intersect at this point.
(Hai con đường cao tốc chính giao nhau tại điểm này.)


(adjective). liền kề, kế bên

E.g.: The new shopping mall is adjacent to the train station.
(Trung tâm mua sắm mới nằm liền kề nhà ga.)


(adjective). bao gồm, bao quanh

E.g.: The course will encompass both theoretical and practical aspects of engineering.

(Khóa học sẽ bao gồm cả các khía cạnh lý thuyết và thực hành của kỹ thuật.)


(noun). sự phân chia, phân biệt

E.g.: The policy aims to end racial segregation in schools.
(Chính sách này nhằm chấm dứt sự phân biệt chủng tộc trong các trường học.)


2. IELTS Writing task 2:

Some people think that the main benefit of international cooperation is in the protection of the environment, while others believe that the main interest is in world business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


2.1. Bước 1: Phân tích đề

  • Dạng bài: Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  • Từ khóa: Main benefit, international cooperation, the protection of the environment, main interest, world business, discuss both views, give your opinion.
  • Phân tích yêu cầu: Đề bài yêu cầu thí sinh phân tích hai ý kiến liên quan đến sự hợp tác quốc tế và sau đó đưa ra quan điểm của thí sinh.

2.2. Bước 2: Lập dàn ý 

  • Introduction: Viết lại đề bài theo cách khác, sau đó đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân.
  • Body paragraph 1: View 1
  • Main idea: International cooperation is very important for the environment.
    + Supporting idea: They think that countries need to work together to solve big problems like climate change and pollution. 
    +Supporting idea: For example, if countries work together, they can make rules to reduce pollution and protect forests. This is important because the environment affects everyone, and one country alone cannot solve these problems.
  • Body paragraph 2: View 2
  • – Main idea: The main benefit of international cooperation is in world business. 

+ Supporting idea: They argue that when countries work together, they can trade more easily and make more money.
+ Supporting idea: For instance, countries can make trade agreements to lower taxes on goods, which helps businesses to sell their products in more places. This can create more jobs and improve the economy of many countries.


  • Body paragraph 3: My opinion
  • Main idea: The main benefit of international cooperation is protecting the environment. 

+ Supporting idea: This is because environmental problems are very serious and can harm everyone on the planet. 
+ Supporting idea: If countries do not work together to solve these problems, the situation can get worse. Even though international business is important too, it is not as urgent as protecting the environment.



  • In conclusion:
  • Viết lại mở bài theo cách khác, nhắc lại quan điểm cá nhân. Tóm tắt các main idea đã viết trong các đoạn thân bài.

2.3. Bước 3: Bài mẫu

The benefits of international cooperation are diverse, and opinions vary on its primary advantage. Some individuals argue that the paramount benefit lies in environmental protection, whereas others contend that global business is of greater significance. This essay will delve into both perspectives and offer a personal viewpoint.

On the one hand, a significant number of people assert that international collaboration is indispensable for safeguarding the environment. Global environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and deforestation transcend national boundaries and necessitate collective action. Through cooperation, nations can pool their resources, share expertise, and leverage technology to address these issues more effectively. For instance, multilateral agreements like the Paris Agreement have united numerous countries in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Such collaborative efforts play a vital role in ensuring that every nation plays its part in preserving the planet.

On the other hand, proponents of the opposing view posit that international cooperation primarily benefits global commerce. By working together, countries can forge trade pacts, lower tariffs, and enhance economic ties. This fosters increased trade volumes and investment flows, consequently bolstering the economies of participating nations. For example, institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO) facilitate international trade, streamlining business operations across borders. Consequently, enterprises can broaden their market reach, enhance profitability, and generate employment opportunities.

From my perspective, although international cooperation holds significance for both environmental conservation and global trade, the pivotal advantage lies in environmental protection. Urgent environmental issues impact individuals worldwide. Failure to collaborate in addressing these challenges could yield catastrophic consequences for all nations. While international business is undeniably crucial, it is a sector that can expand and evolve gradually. In contrast, environmental crises demand immediate attention and cannot be delayed.

In conclusion, international cooperation yields substantial benefits in both environmental preservation and global commerce. However, I contend that the paramount advantage is in environmental protection, given its urgent nature that necessitates prompt global intervention.



2.4. Từ vựng

Từ vựng



(adjective). đa dạng

E.g.: The company aims to create a diverse workplace where all employees feel valued.
(Công ty hướng đến việc tạo ra một môi trường làm việc đa dạng, nơi mà tất cả nhân viên đều cảm thấy được trân trọng.)


(verb). khẳng định

E.g.: She asserted her authority by making an important decision. 
(Cô ấy đã khẳng định quyền lực của mình bằng cách đưa ra một quyết định quan trọng.)


(adjective). không thể thiếu được

E.g.: Good communication skills are indispensable for a successful career.

(Kỹ năng giao tiếp tốt là không thể thiếu để có một sự nghiệp thành công.)


(verb). đòi hỏi, cần phải có

E.g.: The increase in traffic necessitates the construction of new roads.

(Sự gia tăng giao thông đòi hỏi phải xây dựng các con đường mới.)


(verb). tận dụng

E.g.: We can leverage our technology to gain a competitive advantage.

(Chúng ta có thể tận dụng công nghệ của mình để đạt được lợi thế cạnh tranh.)


(verb). cho rằng, đưa ra giả thuyết

E.g.: The scientist posited a new theory about the origins of the universe. 

(Nhà khoa học đã đưa ra giả thuyết mới về nguồn gốc của vũ trụ.)


(verb). củng cố, tăng cường

E.g.: The government is planning to bolster the economy by investing in infrastructure projects.
(Chính phủ đang lên kế hoạch củng cố nền kinh tế bằng cách đầu tư vào các dự án cơ sở hạ tầng.)


(adjective). thảm khốc, thê thảm

E.g.: The earthquake caused catastrophic damage to the city.

(Trận động đất đã gây ra thiệt hại thảm khốc cho thành phố.)


Chúng ta vừa hoàn thành bài phân tích giải đề IELTS Writing ngày 11/07/2024, bao gồm cả task 1 với dạng Map và task 2 thảo luận hai quan điểm và đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân. Sau khi học cách phân tích đề, lập dàn ý và viết bài mẫu, các bạn cảm thấy đề thi hôm nay ra sao? Nếu có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào, hãy để lại bình luận dưới bài viết để thầy có thể trả lời nhanh chóng.



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